{"id":70,"date":"2023-10-04T16:12:51","date_gmt":"2023-10-04T16:12:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/?post_type=service&p=70"},"modified":"2024-01-15T19:28:33","modified_gmt":"2024-01-15T19:28:33","slug":"facelift-necklift","status":"publish","type":"service","link":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/service\/facelift-necklift\/","title":{"rendered":"Face & Neck Lift"},"featured_media":638,"template":"","service-cat":[5],"meta_box":{"service_excerpt":"Indulge in the unparalleled beauty that awaits you. Discover a realm where every contour tells your story of refinement and distinction.","call_to_action_heading":"","call_to_action_text":"","call_to_action_link_text":"Book your consultation","call_to_action_link_url":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/index.php\/contact\/","service_hero_quote":"\"Like art, revolutions come from combining what exists into what has never existed before.\" - Gloria Steinem","service_content":"

The facelift is truly a masterpiece in the hands of a skilled plastic surgeon. It has the power to achieve remarkable transformations, yet unfortunately, it is often criticized. However, in the capable hands of Dr. Stephenson in Atlanta, you can experience a facelift that not only enhances your aesthetic appearance but also boosts your self-confidence. The results are natural-looking and truly remarkable.<\/p>\n

Dr. Stephenson's mastery of facelift techniques goes beyond proficiency\u2014he is truly exceptional. Rather than taking a \"one size fits all\" approach, he carefully selects the method that will best sculpt his client's face. His personalized approach aims to minimize risks and address specific concerns. While different procedures may vary in recovery time, swelling, and discomfort, Dr. Stephenson recommends specific techniques when they offer unique benefits to his clients.<\/p>\n

Regardless of the chosen method, what truly makes a facelift remarkable is how it lifts different parts of the face, the extent of the transformation, and the inconspicuous placement of scars, ensuring a natural look around the ears and hairline. As a top Atlanta facelift surgeon, Dr. Stephenson excels in all these crucial aspects. His patients not only achieve gorgeous and long-lasting improvements but also enjoy the added bonus of no telltale signs of surgery. Dr. Stephenson's expertise and dedication make him the ideal choice for anyone seeking a truly transformative and natural-looking facelift.<\/p>\n

Discover the perfect facelift technique for your unique cosmetic concerns in Atlanta. With decades of development and perfection, multiple facelift styles have been created to treat every client\u2019s possibility. Allow us to introduce you to the transformative power of these facelift options:<\/p>\n

The Deep Plane Facelift<\/strong>
\nLifts underlying musculature to combat advanced facial aging, restoring a more youthful appearance.<\/p>\n

The SMAS Facelift<\/strong>
\nIdeal for reversing the signs of aging, this technique corrects skin and muscle laxity in the lower face.<\/p>\n

The Mini Facelift<\/strong>
\nPopular among those with mild to moderate sagging and jowls, this procedure targets the lower face for rejuvenation.<\/p>\n

The Non-Surgical Facelift<\/strong>
\nExperience the benefits of a more youthful face without surgery through a combination of skin resurfacing, dermal fillers, and Botox.<\/p>\n","service_gallery":[],"service_gallery_2":[],"service_gallery_3":[],"service_gallery_4":[],"service_gallery_5":[],"service_faq":[{"faq_question":"How soon can I go back to work after a facelift?","faq_answer":"The timeline for returning to work after a facelift can vary from person to person. Generally, if your work doesn't involve strenuous activity or heavy lifting, you can expect to be back at work within seven to ten days. Some individuals even return to work sooner, and many are able to work from home the day after the procedure."},{"faq_question":"What does a facelift actually do?","faq_answer":"A facelift is a comprehensive surgical procedure that aims to make a person look younger. It is considered the standard by which other facial rejuvenation procedures are measured. The procedure involves repositioning the sagging muscular layer that contribute to nasolabial folds (lines on each side of nose) and marionette lines (lines from corners of the mouth), enhances the definition of the jawline, and tightens the skin and muscles of the neck. The accompanying loose skin is removed resulting in a more youthful appearance."},{"faq_question":"Who is a suitable candidate for a facelift?","faq_answer":"Both men and women can be candidates for a facelift. Suitable candidates typically exhibit signs of facial laxity that would benefit from the procedure. These signs include visible neck muscles causing banding, loose skin or excess fat in the neck area, a loss of definition between the face and neck, jowling, deep lines from the mouth to the jaw, and lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth. However, it's important to note that low eyebrows are addressed with a browlift, and excess skin and fat in the eyelids are treated separately with an eye lift procedure. Since a facelift is an elective surgery, patients must be in good overall health. It's also crucial for facelift candidates to have a clear understanding of the expected outcomes, potential risks and complications, and the associated costs, and to determine if these factors align with their personal goals and expectations."},{"faq_question":"What are the most important factors to consider when deciding whether or not to get a facelift?","faq_answer":"The most important factor to consider is whether a facelift does what you want it to do. A facelift repositions facial muscles, removes excess skin and lifts the face, but it does not fundamentally change elasticity. It does not remove fine lines or sunspots. It can produce wonderful results but ultimately you must consider is the outcome: does a facelift do what you want it to do for you?"},{"faq_question":"What is the ideal age to undergo a facelift?","faq_answer":"The decision to have a facelift is based on individual appearance concerns rather than age. It depends on how much a person is bothered by something that can be improved with a facelift. Generally, the process typically begins in the early forties, with the most common age for a facelift being in the mid-fifties. The upper age limit is determined by the patient's overall health."},{"faq_question":"Does getting a facelift at a younger age yield better results?","faq_answer":"Research has indicated that the results of a facelift tend to last longer when the procedure is performed at a younger age. However, it is important to note that a facelift is not intended as a preventive measure against aging changes. It is typically done to address specific concerns as they become noticeable."},{"faq_question":"How much younger will a facelift make me look?","faq_answer":"A compelling study presented a portfolio of photographs to groups of observers, comparing a group of patients before their facelifts to another group after their facelifts. On average, the facelift patients were perceived to be nine years younger!"},{"faq_question":"What is the duration of the results from a facelift?","faq_answer":"After a facelift, a patient will always look better than their imaginary identical twin who never had the procedure. The results do not suddenly disappear, and one continues to age naturally. Generally, patients may experience enough laxity to consider a repeat facelift after seven to ten years. The longevity of the results tends to be longer for younger patients. However, it is worth noting that the desire for a repeat facelift may be more common among younger individuals. Additionally, the amount of sun damage is a significant factor influencing the duration of the results. Thicker, less sun-damaged skin tends to show less sagging over time."},{"faq_question":"Will I need to undergo a facelift again in the future?","faq_answer":"Unlike procedures such as breast augmentation that may require revision due to implant issues, a facelift does not inherently necessitate a revision. The decision to undergo a \"redo\" facelift remains entirely up to the patient. While a facelift can make a person look younger than they would have without the procedure, they will still experience the natural aging process. However, repeating the facelift is entirely optional and based on the individual's personal preferences."},{"faq_question":"What are the different types of facelifts?","faq_answer":"There are several types of facelift procedures to address different concerns and achieve desired outcomes. This includes a \u201cskin lift\u201d, \u201cmini\u201d facelift. \u201cShort scar\u201d and a \u201cdeep plane\u201d facelift. Dr. Stephenson will assess your individual needs and guide you in choosing the most suitable facelift technique for the best possible results."},{"faq_question":"What is a \"skin lift\" facelift?","faq_answer":"In a skin lift facelift, the surgeon elevates the skin and a layer of fat beneath it. This procedure is straightforward and carries the least risk compared to other techniques."},{"faq_question":"What is a \"mini facelift\u201d?","faq_answer":"A mini facelift is not a distinct procedure and can vary in meaning for different patients. It may involve eliminating incisions above the ear and in the hairline behind the ear, or focusing only on the face without addressing the neck. This technique produces less dramatic and shorter-lasting changes compared to a full facelift. It is suitable for patients with milder signs of aging but may not be appropriate for those with more extensive aging changes."},{"faq_question":"What is a \"short scar\" facelift?","faq_answer":"A short scar facelift refers to any full facelift where the incision goes around the earlobe but not up the back of the ear. The incision starts underneath the sideburn and contours around the front of the sideburn. Proponents argue that it eliminates the incision behind the ear, making it easier to wear ponytails. However, the scar behind the ear rarely hinders ponytail styling. The short scar technique may result in more visible scarring and less natural-looking skin pulling. The scar around the hairline is often more noticeable and can be a concern for some patients."},{"faq_question":"What is a \u201cdeep plane\u201d facelift?","faq_answer":"A deep plane facelift refers to any full facelift where the incision goes around the earlobe but not up the back of the ear and into the hairline behind the ear. The muscular layer remains connected to the skin but is freed beneath its surface to allow for greater movement of the face. Proponents argue that it gives a more natural and longer lasting result."},{"faq_question":"What is typically done to the neck during a facelift?","faq_answer":"In some cases, if the neck has good muscle tone and mild muscle bands under the chin, no specific treatment is required for the neck during a facelift. The muscles that create the muscle bands under the chin extend all the way back to the ears, and by pulling on these muscles, the neck can be made to appear smooth. If there is a significant amount of fat in the neck, liposuction may be performed. However, it is important for the surgeon not to remove too much fat, as it plays a role in maintaining skin fullness and preventing the development of fine lines and a crepe paper-like appearance. Additionally, fat can help conceal any underlying muscle banding. If the muscle bands in the neck are thick, an incision is made under the chin and the muscles are tied together in the center to create a smoother neck appearance. Additionally, it may be necessary to partially remove the salivary gland beneath the jawline which may contribute to neck fullness. "},{"faq_question":"Which facelift technique produces the best results?","faq_answer":"The specific techniques used during a facelift cannot be determined by simply looking at the outcome. What is noticeable after a facelift are the location and quality of the scars, any distortion of the ear, changes in the position of the hairline in front of the ear, and the amount and direction in which the sagging tissue has been repositioned."},{"faq_question":"What is the role of fat injections during a facelift?","faq_answer":"One of the major changes in the face that occurs with aging is a loss of facial volume. The face often deflates and collapses inward, in addition to sagging. In these cases, restoring volume through fat injections can be an important aspect of a facelift."},{"faq_question":"Where are the incisions made for the facelift?","faq_answer":"The extent to which the scars go above the ear is dependent upon whether changes are needed in the upper cheeks and how much overall laxity there is in the face. Similarly the extent to which scars go from behind the ear into the hair behind the ear depends upon the amount of laxity there is in the neck."},{"faq_question":"Will there be scars after a facelift?","faq_answer":"Yes, there will be scars wherever an incision is made during a facelift. However, the areas where the incisions are made heal remarkably well. When the incisions follow curves around natural anatomy, they are extremely difficult to notice, even when viewed up close. Dr. Stephenson's patients' scars are barely, if at all, noticeable, even when examined closely or seen on a large movie screen."},{"faq_question":"Will I be able to wear my hair back in a ponytail after a facelift?","faq_answer":"Yes, Dr. Stephenson places the incisions in such a way that patients are able to wear their hair back after their facelift. However, there may be some patients who have thin hair behind their ear, making it difficult to make the incision completely inconspicuous."},{"faq_question":"Can laser treatments provide the same result as a facelift?","faq_answer":"Laser treatments can remove broken capillaries and brown spots, flatten wrinkles, and tighten the skin. However, they do not tighten the skin as much as a facelift does, and they do not lift sagging tissue on the inside. Additionally, lasers cannot tighten necks. A facelift is like taking in the hem of a garment, while a laser treatment is like pressing a fabric."},{"faq_question":"Can fillers provide the same result as a facelift?","faq_answer":"No, fillers cannot provide the same result as a facelift. While fillers can replace volume and reduce wrinkles to some extent, they do not elevate sagging tissues, remove excess skin, or address muscle bands on the neck. Fillers such as JUV\u00c9DERM\u00ae and Restylane\u00ae are not permanent, can be painful, and need to be redone. However, for younger patients who are not yet ready for a facelift, fillers can be a good option. Fat injections can also be used during a facelift to produce permanent and nice results, but they do not replace a facelift."},{"faq_question":"Can other procedures be done at the same time as a facelift?","faq_answer":"Yes, brow lifts and eyelid lifts are frequently done with a facelift. Sometimes, ear or nasal surgery may also be performed. Dr. Stephenson rarely performs breast or body liposuction surgery at the same time as a facelift. He believes that it is important to consider the total time of anesthesia."},{"faq_question":"Will a facelift get rid of the wrinkles on my face?","faq_answer":"A facelift is more about lifting than it is about removing wrinkles. By elevating and tightening, the wrinkles on the cheeks will be a little more stretched flat and will look better. But it will not effect anything in the chin and upper lip area. A facelift does not actually make any change in the skin itself. So some clients will have a peel performed either at the same time or later."},{"faq_question":"Will a facelift elevate my eyebrows?","faq_answer":"No, a facelift only makes improvements from the upper cheeks down. The eyebrows and forehead can be improved with a brow lift, while the eyes can be enhanced with an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty)."},{"faq_question":"Will a facelift tighten my neck?","faq_answer":"Yes, a facelift is considered the gold standard treatment for the neck. While a neck lift can improve the neck to some extent, it does not provide the same level of improvement as a facelift. The skin of the neck is connected to the skin of the face, so when the face is lifted, it can have a more significant impact on the neck."},{"faq_question":"If I am unhappy with my results or want another facelift in the future, is it safe to have another lift?","faq_answer":"Yes, in some cases where the skin loosens in the first year after a facelift, a retightening procedure may be necessary. This is considered normal and can happen to about 5-10% of patients. It is safe to have another facelift if needed, as long as the patient is healthy enough to undergo anesthesia."},{"faq_question":"Will I look pulled and tight after my facelift, or will I look natural?","faq_answer":"Initially, patients may look pulled for the first two weeks after a facelift due to swelling. However, as the swelling subsides and the skin relaxes, patients should not appear overly pulled. Achieving a natural look depends on the surgeon's attention to detail with incisions and the direction in which the skin is pulled. It is important not to over-pull the skin."},{"faq_question":"Will the position of my ears change after a facelift?","faq_answer":"Dr. Stephenson pays careful attention to the position of the ears during a facelift to ensure that they remain natural-looking. Changes in ear position can be a telltale sign of a facelift, even though most people may not specifically notice the ears. The surgeon works to hide scars and avoid manipulating the ears to maintain their correct appearance."},{"faq_question":"What form of anesthesia will be used for my facelift?","faq_answer":"The best and most relaxing method of anesthesia for a facelift is general anesthesia. This ensures that our client experiences is comfortable during the procedure. It also allows Dr. Stephenson to work without concerns about causing discomfort or the patient moving during surgery. It is crucial that the entire surgical team is experienced and comfortable with performing facelifts under general anesthesia."},{"faq_question":"When will the sutures be removed after my facelift?","faq_answer":"Some sutures are typically removed 5 days after surgery, while the rest are removed at 7-10 days after surgery."},{"faq_question":"Will I experience severe bruising and swelling after my facelift?","faq_answer":"Most of Dr. Stephenson's clients experience minimal or no bruising after surgery, except for some bruising on the neck, which is normal. The amount and duration of bruising can vary from person to person. Dr. Stephenson takes measures to reduce factors that contribute to bruising, such as prescribing Arnica and Bromelain for clients to take before and after their facelift."},{"faq_question":"Will I have any numbness in my face after the facelift?","faq_answer":"It is common for patients to experience facial numbness after a facelift. However, this numbness gradually subsides over a period of months and is rarely permanent."},{"faq_question":"Do I need to go to an aftercare facility after my facelift?","faq_answer":"Yes, Dr. Stephenson requires all facelift patients to go to an aftercare facility following their surgery. While one night is the minimum requirement, many patients choose to stay longer. The decision depends on factors such as the availability of a caregiver at home, the need for peace and quiet, and the cost of the aftercare facility."},{"faq_question":"Will I receive a phone call from the doctor on the night of my surgery?","faq_answer":"Dr. Stephenson personally visits his patients in the evening of their facelift surgery. The proximity of his office to the aftercare facility is important, as he lives nearby and can address any concerns or issues that may arise in the evening."},{"faq_question":"How painful is the recovery?","faq_answer":"A facelift has surprisingly little pain. But we don\u2019t like having a tightness in our face and neck, so the recovery is more about feeling a little tight and stiff than having pain per se. But this phase ends after a few days, but a tight neck can go on for several weeks longer."},{"faq_question":"When can I drive?","faq_answer":"You can drive when you are off of all narcotic pain medication and feel totally unrestricted by your discomfort such that you could make any movement you might need to safely drive your car. After facelift it is also important to have enough looseness in your neck for you to move it freely. Certainly this will occur by 14 days thus Dr. Stephenson recommends driving after two weeks."},{"faq_question":"When can I travel by airplane?","faq_answer":"Many of Dr. Stephenson\u2019s clients come from out of town and he recommends for them to return home ten days after their facelift or seven days if they are going to an area in which he has a colleague who can remove the last sutures or attend to any problems."},{"faq_question":"When can I resume exercise after a facelift?","faq_answer":"Wait six weeks after a facelift before exercising. Bleeding is an uncommon but serious problem after a facelift and doing anything that increases the blood pressure in your face should be avoided for about three weeks after surgery. When you start exercising after a facelift or any surgical procedure, listen to your body. You will be a little out of condition and a bit sore. But you will get back to where you were before surgery very quickly."},{"faq_question":"What is considered to be exercise?","faq_answer":"Elevating your heart rate or blood pressure, breathing hard, straining or sweating. But light walking is beneficial starting the day of surgery. With a facelift it is important not to bend over and increase pressure in your face for several weeks after surgery."},{"faq_question":"Does not being able to exercise then exclude sex?","faq_answer":"Sex can be resumed as you feel comfortable. Most often patients hit their level of comfort to have sex about fourteen days after a facelift."},{"faq_question":"When can I shower\/take a bath after a facelift?","faq_answer":"You can take a shower two days after a facelift. You should wait two week or so before taking a bath."},{"faq_question":"What will my post-operative appointment schedule be like?","faq_answer":"Dr. Stephenson watches over all of his clients very closely. He does need to see all facelift patients the day after surgery. He will see them the second day if their drain was not removed the first day, but drains rarely stay in longer than the second day. The next appointment is five days after surgery to have the first of the sutures removed, and the remainder are removed at seven to ten days. Dr. Stephenson will see you again at one month, three months, six months, and then yearly."},{"faq_question":"How long does the swelling last?","faq_answer":"Swelling increases after surgery, usually peaking about 5-6 days after surgery. After that, the swelling will subside, rapidly at first, and then gradually. After one month, you\u2019ll think the swelling is gone, but it will still go down more at three months, and even more at six months and even a year, though at that point changes are subtle."},{"faq_question":"What do I have to do to care for the incision?","faq_answer":"Facelift incisions require little care. When the sutures are in, place a thin layer of Bacitracin antibiotic ointment over the incision. Clean off the Bacitracin with peroxide and reapply the Bacitracin twice a day for the first three days after surgery.. After the sutures come out the incision can be gently cleaned with a soapy washcloth. Protect your incisions from the sun for a few months either by diligently wearing a hat, applying sunblock, or keeping your hair over your ears."},{"faq_question":"What should I do to prevent scarring?","faq_answer":"Usually the facelift healed incisions are small and heal very well. In some cases during the healing phase, the healed incision will thicken and Dr. Stephenson will inject a small amount of steroid to soften and flatten the scar. If the scar becomes particularly red it can be treated with a laser, but this is uncommon following a facelift."},{"faq_question":"What should I be cautious of during my recovery from surgery?","faq_answer":"During the recovery period after a facelift, there are two important things to watch out for. The first is a hematoma, which is swelling caused by bleeding. If one side of your face or neck suddenly swells and becomes painful, it is crucial to contact Dr. Stephenson immediately. In some cases, this may require a return to the operating room to stop the bleeding. Hematomas can occur within the first few days after surgery, but there is also a second peak at around ten days to two weeks post-surgery.\r\n\r\nThe second concern is the possibility of infection. If you notice swelling around the incision, accompanied by occasional drainage, it is important to alert Dr. Stephenson's office. He will examine you and prescribe antibiotics if necessary."},{"faq_question":"What are the benefits that patients often experience following a facelift?","faq_answer":"Clients often report feeling beautiful when they see themselves in the mirror or in pictures after a facelift. Looking in the mirror, clients notice restored high cheeks, the elimination of jowling, an improved jawline, softened lines between the nose and mouth, and between the mouth and jaw, as well as enhanced neck appearance. Overall, the result is a happier, more energetic, and even sexier look."},{"faq_question":"What are the concerns or issues that patients might have after a facelift?","faq_answer":"While a facelift can lift and tighten the skin, it does not fundamentally change its quality. Therefore, if the skin had fine wrinkles and crepiness before the surgery, those may reappear once the swelling subsides. Clients with sun-damaged, thin, and inelastic skin may find that their results do not last as long as those with thicker and more elastic skin.\r\n\r\nAdditionally, if a client has little fat in their neck, it is unlikely that the muscle bands will be completely concealed. In cases where neck skin is very thin and crepey, even though it may initially appear smooth and tight after surgery, it can often loosen in that area more than desired by both the patient and the surgeon."}]},"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/service\/70"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/service"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/service"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/638"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=70"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"service-cat","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/service-cat?post=70"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}