{"id":71,"date":"2023-10-04T16:13:38","date_gmt":"2023-10-04T16:13:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/?post_type=service&p=71"},"modified":"2024-01-09T01:54:59","modified_gmt":"2024-01-09T01:54:59","slug":"eyelid-contouring","status":"publish","type":"service","link":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/service\/eyelid-contouring\/","title":{"rendered":"Eyelid Contouring"},"featured_media":390,"template":"","service-cat":[5],"meta_box":{"service_excerpt":"Unleash the power of your eyes, as they become a captivating canvas of endless possibilities. You can emphasize your unique allure and create a mesmerizing impact that leaves others spellbound.","call_to_action_heading":"","call_to_action_text":"","call_to_action_link_text":"Book Your Consultation","call_to_action_link_url":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/index.php\/contact\/","service_hero_quote":"\"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.\" - Eleanor Roosevelt","service_content":"

When someone has gorgeous eyes, their entire face lights up with a mesmerizing appeal. No matter how attractive the rest of their features may be, it's those eyes that truly make them look wonderful.<\/p>\n

That's why eyelid surgery is such a popular and beneficial procedure. The eyelids play a crucial role in framing the eyes, but they also have their own importance.<\/p>\n

Puffy or droopy lids can make you appear older, tired, or even unwell. We all know the impact that eyes have on our perception of health and well-being. Just think about how a mother's first concern is her child's eyes when they're sick or recovering. We've all experienced those days when our eyes give away a poor night's sleep or the effects of crying.<\/p>\n

Not only that, but excess upper eyelid skin can also make it difficult to apply mascara. It can even cause us to constantly raise our eyebrows, which leads to unwanted forehead lines. Ease your worries! Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can address all of these concerns and more. It's no wonder that it has remained one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures for decades.<\/p>\n

So, if you're ready to unlock the true power of your beautiful eyes and enhance your overall appearance, eyelid surgery might just be the perfect solution for you. Let us help you bring out the best in your eyes and experience the transformative effects for yourself.<\/p>\n

Natural Eyelid Lift<\/h3>\n

It's crucial to approach the removal of lower eyelid skin with caution, as even the smallest amount can significantly affect the appearance of the eye. The primary reason for removing skin from the lower eyelids is to address loose or redundant skin and create a smoother, tighter look. However, the delicate nature of the eyelid means that even the slightest removal of skin can sometimes cause the lower eyelid to be pulled down.<\/p>\n

When this happens, there can be an excessive show of the lower outer white portion of the eye, and the natural sharpness and crispness of the area where the upper and lower eyelids meet can be lost. This not only makes the eyelid less attractive but also gives it an unnatural appearance. While many non-plastic surgeons may not specifically identify this issue, most people can sense that something is not quite right with the appearance of the eyelids.<\/p>\n

One significant factor that can contribute to an unnatural look is the removal of too much fat from the upper or lower eyelids. As we age, some individuals develop fat bulges in these areas, which need to be smoothed out. Sometimes, this requires the removal of a small amount of fat, while in other cases, it involves adding fat to the depressed areas adjacent to the bulges. In the past, plastic surgeons would often remove as much fat as possible, resulting in an overly hollowed-out appearance that clearly indicates surgery.<\/p>\n

When you browse through Dr. Stephenson's eyelift before and after client photos, you'll notice how he achieves substantial improvements without leaving any off-putting suggestions of surgery. His expertise lies in creating natural-looking results that enhance your appearance without compromising your unique features. By trusting Dr. Stephenson, you can rest assured that your eyelids will undergo a transformation that looks beautifully refreshed and rejuvenated, without any telltale signs of intervention.<\/p>\n

Upper Eyelid Lift<\/h3>\n

Enhancing the beauty of your eyes can truly transform your entire appearance. That's why the upper eyelift, also known as an upper blepharoplasty, is such a sought-after procedure. It goes beyond just improving your looks; it helps you convey a vibrant and youthful energy through your eyes, which are windows to your personality.<\/p>\n

Excessive upper eyelid skin can have both cosmetic and functional implications. It can make you look older and tired, and applying makeup becomes a challenge. Additionally, the weight of the excess skin can strain your eyes, leading to prominent forehead lines and even affect your vision. But the good news is that an upper blepharoplasty can effectively address these concerns.<\/p>\n

Dr. Stephenson understands the delicate balance between achieving a natural, rejuvenated look and avoiding the \"surgical look.\" His expertise and artistic approach ensure that your upper eyelid lift will bring out the best in your eyes, without compromising the harmony of your face.<\/p>\n

Not only is the procedure relatively comfortable, but the recovery period is also short. In fact, many patients choose to combine it with other facial surgeries to achieve a comprehensive transformation.
\nIt's important to note that both men and women can benefit from an upper blepharoplasty. Dr. Stephenson\u2019s meticulous technique ensures that the resulting scars are inconspicuous, leaving you looking naturally refreshed and more beautiful. So, if you're looking to enhance the beauty and vitality of your eyes, an upper eyelid lift might be the perfect solution for you.<\/p>\n

Lower Eyelid Lift<\/h3>\n

When it comes to the lower eyelids, the primary concern is often excess fat rather than excess skin. This causes a bulging appearance and can be quite bothersome. The good news is that there are specialized lower eyelid lift techniques that specifically target these issues.<\/p>\n

One technique is transconjunctival blepharoplasty, the excess fat is removed through a hidden scar inside the eyelid. No external stitches or scars are involved, ensuring a discreet and inconspicuous healing process. In some cases where there is also excess skin, a tiny incision below the lower lashes allows for the removal of a small amount of skin.<\/p>\n

Another technique is a subcillary blepharoplasty specifically designed to address significant excess skin and fat. The skin is removed, and fat is removed or repositioned through a fine incision in a lower eyelid crease below the lower lash line. Dissolvable external stitches are used to ensure a discreet and inconspicuous healing process.<\/p>\n

It's worth mentioning that in the past, some surgeons would remove too much fat from the lower eyelids, resulting in a somewhat hollowed appearance. However, Dr. Stephenson understands the importance of maintaining a balanced and natural look. His goal is to create a flat yet full contour for the lower eyelids, restoring a beautiful and youthful shape.<\/p>\n

It's important to remember that as we age, we naturally lose support and some volume around the eyes. That's why it's crucial not to remove any more fat than necessary during the procedure. Dr. Stephenson\u2019s expertise ensures that your lower eyelids regain their youthful and vibrant appearance without compromising their natural fullness.<\/p>\n

So, if you're looking to address the issue of excess fat in your lower eyelids and restore a more youthful shape, a lower eyelid lift\/blepharoplasty might be the perfect solution for you. Trust Dr. Stephenson\u2019s skill and aesthetic sensibilities to help you achieve the beautiful and harmonious look you desire.<\/p>\n","service_gallery":[],"service_gallery_2":[],"service_gallery_3":[],"service_gallery_4":[],"service_gallery_5":[],"service_faq":[{"faq_question":"Who is an ideal candidate for upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Upper blepharoplasty is suitable for individuals with loose skin or fat bulges in the upper lid. Candidates should be motivated, able to dedicate time for healing, in good health, and have realistic expectations."},{"faq_question":"What are the essential factors to consider when deciding on upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Consider whether the desired improvement justifies the expenses, risks, and recovery associated with the procedure."},{"faq_question":"At what age is it best to have an upper eyelid lift?","faq_answer":"While some opt for it in their early thirties, the peak time is typically in the forties, with another peak in the fifties and sixties."},{"faq_question":"Where are the incisions made for upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Incisions are made in the crease of the upper eyelid, occasionally extending to the outside in the crow's feet crease."},{"faq_question":"Will there be visible scars after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Healed incisions are inevitable, but eyelid healed incisions are usually discreet, visible only when the eyes are closed."},{"faq_question":"How can I determine if I need an upper eyelid lift or a brow lift?","faq_answer":"If hooding extends beyond the eyelid corner, a brow lift might be needed. Pushing up brows to an ideal height can help distinguish between the need for an eyelid lift or a brow lift."},{"faq_question":"Can other procedures be done simultaneously with upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Yes, upper blepharoplasty can be done alongside other facial surgeries with minimal added time or risk."},{"faq_question":"Is upper blepharoplasty effective for deep lines on the sides of the eyes?","faq_answer":"Deep lines in the crow's feet area are better addressed with Botox\u00ae Cosmetics or Juv\u00e9derm\u00ae Collection of fillers, as upper blepharoplasty focuses on the eyelid itself"},{"faq_question":"Are the results of upper blepharoplasty permanent?","faq_answer":"Yes, the skin or fat that is removed remains absent. Most clients do not require additional surgeries."},{"faq_question":"Can I have another upper blepharoplasty if I am unhappy with the results?","faq_answer":"While possible, caution is advised not to remove excessive skin to avoid issues like dry eyes. Revision is usually a minor touch-up rather than a complete redo."},{"faq_question":"Will I have a surprised look after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"No, a surprised look is more associated with a brow lift that raises the central brow too high."},{"faq_question":"Will I be able to close my eyes completely after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Yes, adequate skin is left to ensure normal closure of the eyes after surgery."},{"faq_question":"Can lasers or chemical peels provide the same results as upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Lasers or chemical peels can tighten skin to some extent but do not match the effectiveness of upper blepharoplasty. Both may be used depending on individual needs."},{"faq_question":"Will upper blepharoplasty change the shape of my eye?","faq_answer":"While the overall appearance improves, the fixed structures of the eyelid remain unchanged, preserving the fundamental shape."},{"faq_question":"What type of anesthesia is used for upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Local anesthesia, IV sedation, or light general anesthesia are options, depending on individual preferences and additional procedures. Dr. Stephenson recommends general anesthesia for maximum comfort."},{"faq_question":"Can I wear eyeglasses right after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Yes, eyeglasses can be worn immediately after surgery, often used to mask swelling during the initial recovery period."},{"faq_question":"Can I wear contacts right after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"It is advisable to wait about a week before wearing contact lenses after upper blepharoplasty."},{"faq_question":"Can I have upper blepharoplasty if I have dry eyes?","faq_answer":"Clients with dry eyes should be under the care of an ophthalmologist, and collaboration with the eye doctor is necessary."},{"faq_question":"Does insurance cover upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Insurance coverage may apply if an ophthalmologist documents visual field obstruction, but criteria vary, and patients are typically expected to pay upfront."},{"faq_question":"Do I need to go to an aftercare facility after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"An aftercare facility is generally not necessary unless combined with another procedure like a facelift. Having someone for post-surgery assistance is advisable."},{"faq_question":"How painful is the recovery after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Pain medication is provided, and most clients need it for about three days. Cold compresses help reduce swelling and bruising during the initial days."},{"faq_question":"How soon can I go back to work after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Working from home is possible the day after surgery, but return to the workplace depends on personal comfort with any remaining swelling or bruising."},{"faq_question":"When can I drive after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Driving is permitted when off all narcotic pain medication and feeling comfortable and unrestricted in movement."},{"faq_question":"When can I resume exercise after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"While light exercise is possible after about a week, caution is advised for up to three weeks to prevent any post-surgery bleeding."},{"faq_question":"When can I shower\/take a bath after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Showering is acceptable 48 hours after upper blepharoplasty, and incisions need no special care."},{"faq_question":"What will my post-operative appointment schedule be like?","faq_answer":"Appointments are scheduled the next day, a week later for a checkup, a month after surgery, and a year after blepharoplasty."},{"faq_question":"How long does bruising last after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Clients dedicated to icing may experience minimal bruising, typically subsiding within a week."},{"faq_question":"What do I need to do to care for the incision after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"The incision needs minimal care; it can get wet immediately after surgery, and no special scar ointment is usually required."},{"faq_question":"When do the stitches need to be removed after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Stitches are typically removed 4-6 days after surgery."},{"faq_question":"How can I prevent scarring after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Healed incision outcome is influenced by genetics and surgery. While various products may be used, positive feedback is received for Scar Guard, silicone gel strips, and silicone ointment."},{"faq_question":"What do I need to watch out for after upper blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Rare complications include bleeding that can put pressure on the eye. Immediate medical attention is crucial if severe pain, swelling, or vision loss occurs."},{"faq_question":"Who is helped by a lower blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Lower eyelid lift removes bulging fat and\/or skin of the lower eyelid, more common in older patients or those with sun damage."},{"faq_question":"What factors should be considered for lower blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Consider if the surgery can achieve the desired changes and if the risks and costs are acceptable to you."},{"faq_question":"At what age is it best to have a lower blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Age is not the determining factor; the decision is based on the presence of issues warranting surgery."},{"faq_question":"Where are the incisions made for lower blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Incisions are made on the inside of the lower eyelid for fat removal and beneath the lashes for skin removal."},{"faq_question":"What about lower lid laxity?","faq_answer":"Dr. Stephenson checks for lower lid laxity and may perform a procedure to tighten the lower eyelid if needed."},{"faq_question":"What about fat repositioning in lower blepharoplasty?","faq_answer":"Fat preservation is essential, and fat can be repositioned to fill depressions, maintaining a smooth contour."},{"faq_question":"How is the amount of lower eyelid fat to be removed determined?","faq_answer":"Only enough fat is removed for a smooth contour. Dr. Stephenson assesses the need during surgery for an even result."}]},"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/service\/71"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/service"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/service"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/390"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=71"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"service-cat","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/esjaesthetics.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/service-cat?post=71"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}