“Never dull your shine for somebody else.” – Tyra Banks

Chemical Peels

Unlock the brilliance and vibrancy of your complexion. Step into a world where your skin radiates with youthful splendor, and your confidence soars to new heights.

The story our skin tells is important. Your skin should look radiant and healthy. Buying skin creams for wrinkles, brightening, and color correction often leads to disappointment. Dr. Stephenson offers a superficial, medium and deep chemical peels to rejuvenate your skin’s vibrant glow!To combat dull skin and improve its appearance, consider a chemical peel. This non-surgical treatment effectively addresses wrinkles, sun damage, and uneven pigmentation, giving you smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin. Chemical peels come in light, medium, and deep options, allowing for customized results. Restore your skin’s health and vitality with a chemical peel.

Glycolic Acid Peel

This popular AHA peel exfoliates the skin and boosts collagen production. Derived from sugar cane, glycolic acid has a small molecular structure that penetrates the skin layers. It comes in different strengths to balance exfoliation and sensitivity.

Salicylic Acid Peel

Ideal for reducing blemishes and congested skin, this BHA peel has a lipid base that reaches deeper layers of the skin. Salicylic acid, the main component, clears out pores and has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce acne-related irritation.

Lactic Acid Peel

Best for sensitive skin, lactic acid peels deliver similar benefits to other peels but in a milder form. They can diminish fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and oily skin. Dry skin can also benefit as lactic acid restores pH levels and boosts moisture absorption.

Mandelic Acid Peel

This AHA-based facial peel unclogs pores, exfoliates dead skin cells, and improves the skin’s appearance and tone. While there is typically no peeling, some may experience flaking post-treatment. The most noticeable result is a radiant glow.

Jessner’s & Retinoic Acid Peel

Jessner’s peels vary in strength based on the percentages of lactic acid and salicylic acid used. They can also include additional acids like mandelic acid for anti-inflammatory benefits, phytic acid for sensitive skin, or lactic acid for brightening and hydration. These peels can address various skin concerns, such as acne/acne scars, age spots/melasma, dull complexion, fine lines, freckles/sun damage, and rough skin.

TCA Chemical Peel

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is the main ingredient in medium strength chemical peels. It effectively treats blemishes, wrinkles, and sun damage by penetrating the skin deeply. TCA peels are ideal for visible signs of aging, such as scarring or pigmentation issues. The concentration and strength of TCA peels can vary based on factors like patient age, treatment area, and number of layers applied.

The Process

Chemical peeling involves the use of a solution to remove dead skin cells and prepare the skin for treatment. Prior to the chemical peel treatment, it is important to cleanse the skin and remove makeup. A prep solution is then applied to remove barriers and ensure an even peel application. Some clients may experience a warm or stinging sensation during the peel, which can be relieved by using a fan. After the chemical is applied, the skin may appear white and frosted, but this fades within a few hours. Over the next few days, the skin will become red and gradually peel. It is important not to pick or peel the skin. Sunblock should be applied before sun exposure, and subsequent peels should be spaced at least four weeks apart. The number of peels needed varies for each client.

A client on Accutane or Retin-A must have discontinued use of these medications for at least six (6) weeks prior to a chemical peel.

All skin diseases (other than acne or razor bumps) and infections, including herpes or cold sores.
Patients with eczema, severe distended capillaries, dark skin, aspirin allergy, and unrealistic expectations should not get this peel.

Frequently Asked Questions